Developing A Successful Career Without Losing Your Identity
Wednesday, May 18th Noon to 1pm at 5710 S. Woodlawn Ave
Are you preparing for a new job or internship this summer? Women and people of color often report feeling that in order for them to be successful in their careers they have to become someone different – it doesn’t have to be this way. It is very possible to maintain your identity and sense of self and still achieve your professional goals. Being able to maintain your identity influences how happy you are personally and how successful you will be professionally. Who you are, is closely tied to what you love to do and what you love do to is where you will find your passion. Come learn more at this lunchtime workshop facilitated by Alumna Jinnie English, CEO of Chicago High Achievers, a personal and professional development firm. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Robin Graham at rgraham1@uchicago.edu.