OMSA and the University of Chicago community is observing International Women's Day today, March 8th. International Women's Day has been observed since the early 1900s and was started in the midst of a growing women's suffrage movement and growing global inequality. The United Nations adopts a theme for the day every year and this year the theme is Equal access to education, training and science and technology: Pathway to decent work for women. United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon released a statement praising the accomplishments of women all over the world and noting the progress made towards gender equality. However he noted that much work is still left to be done by stating the following:
Although the gender gap in education is closing, there are wide differences within and across countries, and far too many girls are still denied schooling, leave prematurely or complete school with few skills and fewer opportunities. Women and girls also continue to endure unacceptable discrimination and violence, often at the hand of intimate partners or relatives. In the home and at school, in the workplace and in the community, being female too often means being vulnerable. And in many conflict zones, sexual violence is deliberately and systematically used to intimidate women and whole communities.
There is clearly much progress needed in pursuit of gender equality throughout the world and International Women's Day is meant to raise awareness for the many issues that impact women around the world.
OMSA is celebrating Women's Heritage Month throughout March. Come to 5710 and take a look at our bulletin board honoring various authors including: Simone de Beauvoir, Maxine Hong Kingston, bell hooks, Nawal El Saadawi, Louise Erdrich, Rita Mae Brown, Julia Serano, and Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez.