In an age of rampant obesity, illnesses like cancer and diabetes, and a saturation of diets and weight-loss tips, it's not surprising to discover that Americans might be suffering from food addiction, if not food preoccupation. From McDonalds to multivitamins, the country is becoming obsessed with what goes into their bodies, possibly wondering if their dietary habits are the true source of their health-related woes. Enter Karyn Calabrese, a vanguard in the arena of healthy eating. She is currently the owner of Karyn's, a center in Chicago that specializes in serving delicious and creative, raw vegan and vegan delights. Karyn's also offers classes in food preparation, maintains a day spa, as well as a therapy center. A believer of holistic approaches to a healthy lifestyle, Ms. Calabrese is truly a pioneer in her industry.
As a youth, Ms. Calabrese was already an advocate for healthy eating. Prompted by several food allergies and a modeling career, she began a lifestyle of vegetarianism, vegan-ism, and finally became a raw vegan. Ultimately wishing to expand her dedication for healthy living to the neighborhood, she began to sell wheat-grass from her home, much to the dismay of her family and friends, who thought her business would never be successful. Eventually, her wheat business attracted more and more visitors to her home seeking her advice, an event that finally culminated in the opening of her successful and thriving business.
Come to 5710 and meet Karyn Calabrese for a book signing and talk about raw foodism and healthy eating! Brought to you by OMSA, ORCSA, BIG, CKP, and the Vegan Society.
April 25, 2011
5710 S. Woodlawn
6pm - 7pm
For more information about Karyn Calabrese, visit her website.